Source code for finat.tensorfiniteelement

from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain

import numpy

import gem
from gem.optimise import delta_elimination, sum_factorise, traverse_product
from gem.utils import cached_property

from finat.finiteelementbase import FiniteElementBase

[docs]class TensorFiniteElement(FiniteElementBase): def __init__(self, element, shape, transpose=False): # TODO: Update docstring for arbitrary rank! r"""A Finite element whose basis functions have the form: .. math:: \boldsymbol\phi_{i \alpha \beta} = \mathbf{e}_{\alpha} \mathbf{e}_{\beta}^{\mathrm{T}}\phi_i Where :math:`\{\mathbf{e}_\alpha,\, \alpha=0\ldots\mathrm{shape[0]}\}` and :math:`\{\mathbf{e}_\beta,\, \beta=0\ldots\mathrm{shape[1]}\}` are the bases for :math:`\mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{shape[0]}}` and :math:`\mathbb{R}^{\mathrm{shape[1]}}` respectively; and :math:`\{\phi_i\}` is the basis for the corresponding scalar finite element space. :param element: The scalar finite element. :param shape: The geometric shape of the tensor element. :param transpose: Changes the DoF ordering from the Firedrake-style XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ to the FEniCS-style XXXX YYYY ZZZZ. That is, tensor shape indices come before the scalar basis function indices when transpose=True. :math:`\boldsymbol\phi_{i\alpha\beta}` is, of course, tensor-valued. If we subscript the vector-value with :math:`\gamma\epsilon` then we can write: .. math:: \boldsymbol\phi_{\gamma\epsilon(i\alpha\beta)} = \delta_{\gamma\alpha}\delta_{\epsilon\beta}\phi_i This form enables the simplification of the loop nests which will eventually be created, so it is the form we employ here.""" super(TensorFiniteElement, self).__init__() self._base_element = element self._shape = shape self._transpose = transpose @property def base_element(self): """The base element of this tensor element.""" return self._base_element @property def cell(self): return self._base_element.cell @property def complex(self): return self._base_element.complex @property def degree(self): return @property def formdegree(self): return self._base_element.formdegree @cached_property def _entity_dofs(self): dofs = {} base_dofs = self._base_element.entity_dofs() ndof = int(, dtype=int)) def expand(dofs): dofs = tuple(dofs) if self._transpose: space_dim = self._base_element.space_dimension() # Components stride by space dimension of base element iterable = ((v + i*space_dim for v in dofs) for i in range(ndof)) else: # Components packed together iterable = (range(v*ndof, (v+1)*ndof) for v in dofs) yield from chain.from_iterable(iterable) for dim in self.cell.get_topology().keys(): dofs[dim] = dict((k, list(expand(d))) for k, d in base_dofs[dim].items()) return dofs
[docs] def entity_dofs(self): return self._entity_dofs
[docs] def space_dimension(self): return int(
@property def index_shape(self): if self._transpose: return self._shape + self._base_element.index_shape else: return self._base_element.index_shape + self._shape @property def value_shape(self): return self._shape + self._base_element.value_shape
[docs] def basis_evaluation(self, order, ps, entity=None, coordinate_mapping=None): r"""Produce the recipe for basis function evaluation at a set of points :math:`q`: .. math:: \boldsymbol\phi_{(\gamma \epsilon) (i \alpha \beta) q} = \delta_{\alpha \gamma} \delta_{\beta \epsilon}\phi_{i q} \nabla\boldsymbol\phi_{(\epsilon \gamma \zeta) (i \alpha \beta) q} = \delta_{\alpha \epsilon} \delta_{\beta \gamma}\nabla\phi_{\zeta i q} """ scalar_evaluation = self._base_element.basis_evaluation return self._tensorise(scalar_evaluation(order, ps, entity, coordinate_mapping=coordinate_mapping))
[docs] def point_evaluation(self, order, point, entity=None): scalar_evaluation = self._base_element.point_evaluation return self._tensorise(scalar_evaluation(order, point, entity))
def _tensorise(self, scalar_evaluation): # Old basis function and value indices scalar_i = self._base_element.get_indices() scalar_vi = self._base_element.get_value_indices() # New basis function and value indices tensor_i = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) tensor_vi = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) # Couple new basis function and value indices deltas = reduce(gem.Product, (gem.Delta(j, k) for j, k in zip(tensor_i, tensor_vi))) if self._transpose: index_ordering = tensor_i + scalar_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi else: index_ordering = scalar_i + tensor_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi result = {} for alpha, expr in scalar_evaluation.items(): result[alpha] = gem.ComponentTensor( gem.Product(deltas, gem.Indexed(expr, scalar_i + scalar_vi)), index_ordering ) return result @property def dual_basis(self): base = self.base_element Q, points = base.dual_basis # Suppose the tensor element has shape (2, 4) # These identity matrices may have difference sizes depending the shapes # tQ = Q ⊗ 𝟙₂ ⊗ 𝟙₄ scalar_i = self.base_element.get_indices() scalar_vi = self.base_element.get_value_indices() tensor_i = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) tensor_vi = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) # Couple new basis function and value indices deltas = reduce(gem.Product, (gem.Delta(j, k) for j, k in zip(tensor_i, tensor_vi))) if self._transpose: index_ordering = tensor_i + scalar_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi else: index_ordering = scalar_i + tensor_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi Qi = Q[scalar_i + scalar_vi] tQ = gem.ComponentTensor(Qi*deltas, index_ordering) return tQ, points
[docs] def dual_evaluation(self, fn): tQ, x = self.dual_basis expr = fn(x) # Apply targeted sum factorisation and delta elimination to # the expression sum_indices, factors = delta_elimination(*traverse_product(expr)) expr = sum_factorise(sum_indices, factors) # NOTE: any shape indices in the expression are because the # expression is tensor valued. assert expr.shape == self.value_shape scalar_i = self.base_element.get_indices() scalar_vi = self.base_element.get_value_indices() tensor_i = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) tensor_vi = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d) for d in self._shape) if self._transpose: index_ordering = tensor_i + scalar_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi else: index_ordering = scalar_i + tensor_i + tensor_vi + scalar_vi tQi = tQ[index_ordering] expri = expr[tensor_i + scalar_vi] evaluation = gem.IndexSum(tQi * expri, x.indices + scalar_vi + tensor_i) # This doesn't work perfectly, the resulting code doesn't have # a minimal memory footprint, although the operation count # does appear to be minimal. evaluation = gem.optimise.contraction(evaluation) return evaluation, scalar_i + tensor_vi
@property def mapping(self): return self._base_element.mapping