Source code for finat.spectral

import FIAT

import gem

from finat.fiat_elements import ScalarFiatElement, Lagrange, DiscontinuousLagrange
from finat.point_set import GaussLobattoLegendrePointSet, GaussLegendrePointSet

[docs]class GaussLobattoLegendre(Lagrange): """1D continuous element with nodes at the Gauss-Lobatto points.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.GaussLobattoLegendre(cell, degree) super(Lagrange, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs] def basis_evaluation(self, order, ps, entity=None, coordinate_mapping=None): '''Return code for evaluating the element at known points on the reference element. :param order: return derivatives up to this order. :param ps: the point set. :param entity: the cell entity on which to tabulate. ''' result = super(GaussLobattoLegendre, self).basis_evaluation(order, ps, entity) cell_dimension = self.cell.get_dimension() if entity is None or entity == (cell_dimension, 0): # on cell interior space_dim = self.space_dimension() if isinstance(ps, GaussLobattoLegendrePointSet) and len(ps.points) == space_dim: # Bingo: evaluation points match node locations! spatial_dim = self.cell.get_spatial_dimension() q, = ps.indices r, = self.get_indices() result[(0,) * spatial_dim] = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.Delta(q, r), (r,)) return result
[docs]class GaussLegendre(DiscontinuousLagrange): """1D discontinuous element with nodes at the Gauss-Legendre points.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.GaussLegendre(cell, degree) super(DiscontinuousLagrange, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs] def basis_evaluation(self, order, ps, entity=None, coordinate_mapping=None): '''Return code for evaluating the element at known points on the reference element. :param order: return derivatives up to this order. :param ps: the point set. :param entity: the cell entity on which to tabulate. ''' result = super(GaussLegendre, self).basis_evaluation(order, ps, entity) cell_dimension = self.cell.get_dimension() if entity is None or entity == (cell_dimension, 0): # on cell interior space_dim = self.space_dimension() if isinstance(ps, GaussLegendrePointSet) and len(ps.points) == space_dim: # Bingo: evaluation points match node locations! spatial_dim = self.cell.get_spatial_dimension() q, = ps.indices r, = self.get_indices() result[(0,) * spatial_dim] = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.Delta(q, r), (r,)) return result
[docs]class Legendre(ScalarFiatElement): """DG element with Legendre polynomials.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None): fiat_element = FIAT.Legendre(cell, degree, variant=variant) super(Legendre, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class IntegratedLegendre(ScalarFiatElement): """CG element with integrated Legendre polynomials.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None): fiat_element = FIAT.IntegratedLegendre(cell, degree, variant=variant) super(IntegratedLegendre, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMLagrange(ScalarFiatElement): """1D CG element with FDM shape functions and point evaluation BCs.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMLagrange(cell, degree) super(FDMLagrange, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMDiscontinuousLagrange(ScalarFiatElement): """1D DG element with derivatives of FDM shape functions with point evaluation Bcs.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMDiscontinuousLagrange(cell, degree) super(FDMDiscontinuousLagrange, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMQuadrature(ScalarFiatElement): """1D CG element with FDM shape functions and orthogonalized vertex modes.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMQuadrature(cell, degree) super(FDMQuadrature, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMBrokenH1(ScalarFiatElement): """1D Broken CG element with FDM shape functions.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMBrokenH1(cell, degree) super(FDMBrokenH1, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMBrokenL2(ScalarFiatElement): """1D DG element with derivatives of FDM shape functions.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMBrokenL2(cell, degree) super(FDMBrokenL2, self).__init__(fiat_element)
[docs]class FDMHermite(ScalarFiatElement): """1D CG element with FDM shape functions, point evaluation BCs and derivative BCs.""" def __init__(self, cell, degree): fiat_element = FIAT.FDMHermite(cell, degree) super(FDMHermite, self).__init__(fiat_element)