Source code for finat.morley

import numpy

import FIAT

from gem import Literal, ListTensor

from finat.fiat_elements import ScalarFiatElement
from finat.physically_mapped import PhysicallyMappedElement, Citations

[docs]class Morley(PhysicallyMappedElement, ScalarFiatElement): def __init__(self, cell, degree=2): if degree != 2: raise ValueError("Degree must be 2 for Morley element") if Citations is not None: Citations().register("Morley1971") super().__init__(FIAT.Morley(cell))
[docs] def basis_transformation(self, coordinate_mapping): # Jacobians at edge midpoints J = coordinate_mapping.jacobian_at([1/3, 1/3]) rns = coordinate_mapping.reference_normals() pns = coordinate_mapping.physical_normals() pts = coordinate_mapping.physical_tangents() pel = coordinate_mapping.physical_edge_lengths() V = numpy.eye(6, dtype=object) for multiindex in numpy.ndindex(V.shape): V[multiindex] = Literal(V[multiindex]) for i in range(3): V[i+3, i+3] = (rns[i, 0]*(pns[i, 0]*J[0, 0] + pns[i, 1]*J[1, 0]) + rns[i, 1]*(pns[i, 0]*J[0, 1] + pns[i, 1]*J[1, 1])) for i, c in enumerate([(1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)]): B12 = (rns[i, 0]*(pts[i, 0]*J[0, 0] + pts[i, 1]*J[1, 0]) + rns[i, 1]*(pts[i, 0]*J[0, 1] + pts[i, 1]*J[1, 1])) V[3+i, c[0]] = -1*B12 / pel[i] V[3+i, c[1]] = B12 / pel[i] # diagonal post-scaling to patch up conditioning h = coordinate_mapping.cell_size() for e in range(3): v0id, v1id = [i for i in range(3) if i != e] for i in range(6): V[i, 3+e] = 2*V[i, 3+e] / (h[v0id] + h[v1id]) return ListTensor(V.T)