import FIAT
import gem
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from gem.utils import cached_property
from finat.finiteelementbase import FiniteElementBase
from finat.point_set import PointSet
from finat.sympy2gem import sympy2gem
from firedrake_citations import Citations
Citations().add("Geevers2018new", """
title={New higher-order mass-lumped tetrahedral elements for wave propagation modelling},
author={Geevers, Sjoerd and Mulder, Wim A and van der Vegt, Jaap JW},
journal={SIAM journal on scientific computing},
Citations().add("Chin1999higher", """
title={Higher-order triangular and tetrahedral finite elements with mass lumping for solving the wave equation},
author={Chin-Joe-Kong, MJS and Mulder, Wim A and Van Veldhuizen, M},
journal={Journal of Engineering Mathematics},
except ImportError:
Citations = None
[docs]class FiatElement(FiniteElementBase):
"""Base class for finite elements for which the tabulation is provided
by FIAT."""
def __init__(self, fiat_element):
super(FiatElement, self).__init__()
self._element = fiat_element
def cell(self):
return self._element.get_reference_element()
def complex(self):
return self._element.get_reference_complex()
def degree(self):
# Requires FIAT.CiarletElement
def formdegree(self):
return self._element.get_formdegree()
[docs] def entity_dofs(self):
return self._element.entity_dofs()
[docs] def entity_closure_dofs(self):
return self._element.entity_closure_dofs()
def entity_permutations(self):
return self._element.entity_permutations()
[docs] def space_dimension(self):
return self._element.space_dimension()
def index_shape(self):
return (self._element.space_dimension(),)
def value_shape(self):
return self._element.value_shape()
def fiat_equivalent(self):
# Just return the underlying FIAT element
return self._element
[docs] def basis_evaluation(self, order, ps, entity=None, coordinate_mapping=None):
'''Return code for evaluating the element at known points on the
reference element.
:param order: return derivatives up to this order.
:param ps: the point set.
:param entity: the cell entity on which to tabulate.
space_dimension = self._element.space_dimension()
value_size =, dtype=int)
fiat_result = self._element.tabulate(order, ps.points, entity)
result = {}
# In almost all cases, we have
# self.space_dimension() == self._element.space_dimension()
# But for Bell, FIAT reports 21 basis functions,
# but FInAT only 18 (because there are actually 18
# basis functions, and the additional 3 are for
# dealing with transformations between physical
# and reference space).
index_shape = (self._element.space_dimension(),)
for alpha, fiat_table in fiat_result.items():
if isinstance(fiat_table, Exception):
result[alpha] = gem.Failure(self.index_shape + self.value_shape, fiat_table)
derivative = sum(alpha)
table_roll = fiat_table.reshape(
space_dimension, value_size, len(ps.points)
).transpose(1, 2, 0)
exprs = []
for table in table_roll:
if derivative == and not self.complex.is_macrocell():
# Make sure numerics satisfies theory
elif derivative >
# Make sure numerics satisfies theory
assert np.allclose(table, 0.0)
point_indices = ps.indices
point_shape = tuple(index.extent for index in point_indices)
gem.Literal(table.reshape(point_shape + index_shape)),
if self.value_shape:
# As above, this extent may be different from that
# advertised by the finat element.
beta = tuple(gem.Index(extent=i) for i in index_shape)
assert len(beta) == len(self.get_indices())
zeta = self.get_value_indices()
result[alpha] = gem.ComponentTensor(
[gem.Indexed(expr, beta) for expr in exprs]
beta + zeta
expr, = exprs
result[alpha] = expr
return result
[docs] def point_evaluation(self, order, refcoords, entity=None):
'''Return code for evaluating the element at an arbitrary points on
the reference element.
:param order: return derivatives up to this order.
:param refcoords: GEM expression representing the coordinates
on the reference entity. Its shape must be
a vector with the correct dimension, its
free indices are arbitrary.
:param entity: the cell entity on which to tabulate.
if entity is None:
entity = (self.cell.get_dimension(), 0)
entity_dim, entity_i = entity
# Spatial dimension of the entity
esd = self.cell.construct_subelement(entity_dim).get_spatial_dimension()
assert isinstance(refcoords, gem.Node) and refcoords.shape == (esd,)
return point_evaluation(self._element, order, refcoords, (entity_dim, entity_i))
def _dual_basis(self):
# Return the numerical part of the dual basis, this split is
# needed because the dual_basis itself can't produce the same
# point set over and over in case it is used multiple times
# (in for example a tensorproductelement).
fiat_dual_basis = self._element.dual_basis()
seen = dict()
allpts = []
# Find the unique points to evaluate at.
# We might be able to make this a smaller set by treating each
# point one by one, but most of the redundancy comes from
# multiple functionals using the same quadrature rule.
for dual in fiat_dual_basis:
if len(dual.deriv_dict) != 0:
raise NotImplementedError("FIAT dual bases with derivative nodes represented via a ``Functional.deriv_dict`` property do not currently have a FInAT dual basis")
pts = dual.get_point_dict().keys()
pts = tuple(sorted(pts)) # need this for determinism
if pts not in seen:
# k are indices into Q (see below) for the seen points
kstart = len(allpts)
kend = kstart + len(pts)
seen[pts] = kstart, kend
# Build Q.
# Q is a tensor of weights (of total rank R) to contract with a unique
# vector of points to evaluate at, giving a tensor (of total rank R-1)
# where the first indices (rows) correspond to a basis functional
# (node).
# Q is a DOK Sparse matrix in (row, col, higher,..)=>value pairs (to
# become a gem.SparseLiteral when implemented).
# Rows (i) are number of nodes/dual functionals.
# Columns (k) are unique points to evaluate.
# Higher indices (*cmp) are tensor indices of the weights when weights
# are tensor valued.
Q = {}
for i, dual in enumerate(fiat_dual_basis):
point_dict = dual.get_point_dict()
pts = tuple(sorted(point_dict.keys()))
kstart, kend = seen[pts]
for p, k in zip(pts, range(kstart, kend)):
for weight, cmp in point_dict[p]:
Q[(i, k, *cmp)] = weight
if all(len(set(key)) == 1 and np.isclose(weight, 1) and len(key) == 2
for key, weight in Q.items()):
# Identity matrix Q can be expressed symbolically
extents = tuple(map(max, zip(*Q.keys())))
js = tuple(gem.Index(extent=e+1) for e in extents)
assert len(js) == 2
Q = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.Delta(*js), js)
# temporary until sparse literals are implemented in GEM which will
# automatically convert a dictionary of keys internally.
# TODO the below is unnecessarily slow and would be sped up
# significantly by building Q in a COO format rather than DOK (i.e.
# storing coords and associated data in (nonzeros, entries) shaped
# numpy arrays) to take advantage of numpy multiindexing
if len(Q) == 1:
Qshape = tuple(s + 1 for s in tuple(Q)[0])
Qshape = tuple(s + 1 for s in map(max, *Q))
Qdense = np.zeros(Qshape, dtype=np.float64)
for idx, value in Q.items():
Qdense[idx] = value
Q = gem.Literal(Qdense)
return Q, np.asarray(allpts)
def dual_basis(self):
# Return Q with x.indices already a free index for the
# consumer to use
# expensive numerical extraction is done once per element
# instance, but the point set must be created every time we
# build the dual.
Q, pts = self._dual_basis
x = PointSet(pts)
assert len(x.indices) == 1
assert Q.shape[1] == x.indices[0].extent
i, *js = gem.indices(len(Q.shape) - 1)
Q = gem.ComponentTensor(gem.Indexed(Q, (i, *x.indices, *js)), (i, *js))
return Q, x
def mapping(self):
mappings = set(self._element.mapping())
if len(mappings) != 1:
return None
result, = mappings
return result
[docs]def point_evaluation(fiat_element, order, refcoords, entity):
# Coordinates on the reference entity (SymPy)
esd, = refcoords.shape
Xi = sp.symbols('X Y Z')[:esd]
space_dimension = fiat_element.space_dimension()
value_size =, dtype=int)
fiat_result = fiat_element.tabulate(order, [Xi], entity)
result = {}
for alpha, fiat_table in fiat_result.items():
if isinstance(fiat_table, Exception):
result[alpha] = gem.Failure((space_dimension,) + fiat_element.value_shape(), fiat_table)
# Convert SymPy expression to GEM
mapper = gem.node.Memoizer(sympy2gem)
mapper.bindings = {s: gem.Indexed(refcoords, (i,))
for i, s in enumerate(Xi)}
gem_table = np.vectorize(mapper)(fiat_table)
table_roll = gem_table.reshape(space_dimension, value_size).transpose()
exprs = []
for table in table_roll:
if fiat_element.value_shape():
beta = (gem.Index(extent=space_dimension),)
zeta = tuple(gem.Index(extent=d)
for d in fiat_element.value_shape())
result[alpha] = gem.ComponentTensor(
[gem.Indexed(expr, beta) for expr in exprs]
beta + zeta
expr, = exprs
result[alpha] = expr
return result
[docs]class Regge(FiatElement): # naturally tensor valued
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(Regge, self).__init__(FIAT.Regge(cell, degree))
[docs]class HellanHerrmannJohnson(FiatElement): # symmetric matrix valued
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(HellanHerrmannJohnson, self).__init__(FIAT.HellanHerrmannJohnson(cell, degree))
[docs]class ScalarFiatElement(FiatElement):
def value_shape(self):
return ()
[docs]class Bernstein(ScalarFiatElement):
# TODO: Replace this with a smarter implementation
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super().__init__(FIAT.Bernstein(cell, degree))
[docs]class Bubble(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(Bubble, self).__init__(FIAT.Bubble(cell, degree))
[docs]class FacetBubble(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(FacetBubble, self).__init__(FIAT.FacetBubble(cell, degree))
[docs]class CrouzeixRaviart(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(CrouzeixRaviart, self).__init__(FIAT.CrouzeixRaviart(cell, degree))
[docs]class Lagrange(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(Lagrange, self).__init__(FIAT.Lagrange(cell, degree, variant=variant))
[docs]class KongMulderVeldhuizen(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(KongMulderVeldhuizen, self).__init__(FIAT.KongMulderVeldhuizen(cell, degree))
if Citations is not None:
[docs]class DiscontinuousLagrange(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(DiscontinuousLagrange, self).__init__(FIAT.DiscontinuousLagrange(cell, degree, variant=variant))
[docs]class Real(DiscontinuousLagrange):
[docs]class Serendipity(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(Serendipity, self).__init__(FIAT.Serendipity(cell, degree))
[docs]class DPC(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(DPC, self).__init__(FIAT.DPC(cell, degree))
[docs]class DiscontinuousTaylor(ScalarFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(DiscontinuousTaylor, self).__init__(FIAT.DiscontinuousTaylor(cell, degree))
[docs]class VectorFiatElement(FiatElement):
def value_shape(self):
return (self.cell.get_spatial_dimension(),)
[docs]class RaviartThomas(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(RaviartThomas, self).__init__(FIAT.RaviartThomas(cell, degree, variant=variant))
[docs]class TrimmedSerendipityFace(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(TrimmedSerendipityFace, self).__init__(FIAT.TrimmedSerendipityFace(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class TrimmedSerendipityDiv(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(TrimmedSerendipityDiv, self).__init__(FIAT.TrimmedSerendipityDiv(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class TrimmedSerendipityEdge(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(TrimmedSerendipityEdge, self).__init__(FIAT.TrimmedSerendipityEdge(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class TrimmedSerendipityCurl(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(TrimmedSerendipityCurl, self).__init__(FIAT.TrimmedSerendipityCurl(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class BrezziDouglasMarini(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(BrezziDouglasMarini, self).__init__(FIAT.BrezziDouglasMarini(cell, degree, variant=variant))
[docs]class BrezziDouglasMariniCubeEdge(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(BrezziDouglasMariniCubeEdge, self).__init__(FIAT.BrezziDouglasMariniCubeEdge(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class BrezziDouglasMariniCubeFace(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(BrezziDouglasMariniCubeFace, self).__init__(FIAT.BrezziDouglasMariniCubeFace(cell, degree))
def entity_permutations(self):
raise NotImplementedError(f"entity_permutations not yet implemented for {type(self)}")
[docs]class BrezziDouglasFortinMarini(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree):
super(BrezziDouglasFortinMarini, self).__init__(FIAT.BrezziDouglasFortinMarini(cell, degree))
[docs]class Nedelec(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(Nedelec, self).__init__(FIAT.Nedelec(cell, degree, variant=variant))
[docs]class NedelecSecondKind(VectorFiatElement):
def __init__(self, cell, degree, variant=None):
super(NedelecSecondKind, self).__init__(FIAT.NedelecSecondKind(cell, degree, variant=variant))