Source code for finat.direct_serendipity

from itertools import chain, repeat

import gem
import numpy
import sympy
    import symengine
    symbolics = symengine
except ImportError:
    symbolics = sympy
from FIAT.polynomial_set import mis
from FIAT.reference_element import UFCQuadrilateral
from gem.utils import cached_property

from finat.finiteelementbase import FiniteElementBase
from finat.physically_mapped import Citations, DirectlyDefinedElement
from finat.sympy2gem import sympy2gem

[docs]class DirectSerendipity(DirectlyDefinedElement, FiniteElementBase): def __init__(self, cell, degree): if Citations is not None: Citations().register("Arbogast2017") # These elements only known currently on quads assert isinstance(cell, UFCQuadrilateral) self._cell = cell self._degree = degree self._deriv_cache = {} @property def cell(self): return self._cell @property def complex(self): return self._cell @property def degree(self): return self._degree @property def formdegree(self): return 0
[docs] def entity_dofs(self): if == 1: return {0: {i: [i] for i in range(4)}, 1: {i: [] for i in range(4)}, 2: {0: []}} elif == 2: return {0: {i: [i] for i in range(4)}, 1: {i: [i+4] for i in range(4)}, 2: {0: []}} else: return {0: {i: [i] for i in range(4)}, 1: {i: list(range(4 + i * (, 4 + (i + 1) * ( for i in range(4)}, 2: {0: list(range(4 + 4 * ( - 1), self.space_dimension()))}}
[docs] def space_dimension(self): return 4 if == 1 else (*( + 2
@property def index_shape(self): return (self.space_dimension(),) @property def value_shape(self): return () @cached_property def _basis(self): return ds_sym(self.cell.topology,, sp=symbolics) def _basis_deriv(self, xx, alpha): key = (tuple(xx), alpha) _, _, phis = self._basis try: return self._deriv_cache[key] except KeyError: dphi = tuple(diff(phi, xx, alpha) for phi in phis) return self._deriv_cache.setdefault(key, dphi)
[docs] def basis_evaluation(self, order, ps, entity=None, coordinate_mapping=None): '''Return code for evaluating the element at known points on the reference element. :param order: return derivatives up to this order. :param ps: the point set. :param entity: the cell entity on which to tabulate. ''' # Build everything in sympy vs, xx, _ = self._basis # and convert -- all this can be used for each derivative! phys_verts = coordinate_mapping.physical_vertices() phys_points = gem.partial_indexed( coordinate_mapping.physical_points(ps, entity=entity), ps.indices) repl = dict((vs[idx], phys_verts[idx]) for idx in numpy.ndindex(vs.shape)) repl.update(zip(xx, phys_points)) mapper = gem.node.Memoizer(sympy2gem) mapper.bindings = repl result = {} for i in range(order+1): alphas = mis(2, i) for alpha in alphas: dphis = self._basis_deriv(xx, alpha) result[alpha] = gem.ListTensor(list(map(mapper, dphis))) return result
[docs] def point_evaluation(self, order, refcoords, entity=None): raise NotImplementedError("Not done yet, sorry!")
[docs] def mapping(self): return "physical"
[docs]def xysub(x, y): return {x[0]: y[0], x[1]: y[1]}
[docs]def ds1_sym(ct, *, vs=None, sp=symbolics): """Constructs lowest-order case of Arbogast's directly defined C^0 serendipity elements, which are a special case. :param ct: The cell topology of the reference quadrilateral. :param vs: (Optional) coordinates of cell on which to construct the basis. If it is None, this function constructs symbols for the vertices. :returns: a 3-tuple containing symbols for the physical cell coordinates and the physical cell independent variables (e.g. "x" and "y") and a list of the four basis functions. """ if vs is None: vs = numpy.asarray(list(zip(sp.symbols('x:4'), sp.symbols('y:4')))) else: vs = numpy.asarray(vs) xx = numpy.asarray(sp.symbols("x,y")) ts = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in range(4): v0id, v1id = ct[1][e][:] for j in range(2): ts[e, :] = vs[v1id, :] - vs[v0id, :] ns = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in (0, 3): ns[e, 0] = -ts[e, 1] ns[e, 1] = ts[e, 0] for e in (1, 2): ns[e, 0] = ts[e, 1] ns[e, 1] = -ts[e, 0] xstars = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in range(4): v0id, v1id = ct[1][e][:] xstars[e, :] = (vs[v0id, :] + vs[v1id])/2 lams = [(xx-xstars[i, :]) @ ns[i, :] for i in range(4)] RV = (lams[0] - lams[1]) / (lams[0] + lams[1]) RH = (lams[2] - lams[3]) / (lams[2] + lams[3]) Rs = [RV, RH] xis = [] for e in range(4): dct = xysub(xx, xstars[e, :]) i = 2*((3-e)//2) j = i + 1 xi = lams[i] * lams[j] * (1 + (-1)**(e+1) * Rs[e//2]) / lams[i].subs(dct) / lams[j].subs(dct) / 2 xis.append(xi) d = xysub(xx, vs[0, :]) r = lams[1] * lams[3] / lams[1].subs(d) / lams[3].subs(d) d = xysub(xx, vs[2, :]) r -= lams[0] * lams[3] / lams[0].subs(d) / lams[3].subs(d) d = xysub(xx, vs[3, :]) r += lams[0] * lams[2] / lams[0].subs(d) / lams[2].subs(d) d = xysub(xx, vs[1, :]) r -= lams[1] * lams[2] / lams[1].subs(d) / lams[2].subs(d) R = r - sum([r.subs(xysub(xx, xstars[i, :])) * xis[i] for i in range(4)]) n03 = numpy.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) @ (vs[3, :] - vs[0, :]) lam03 = (xx - vs[0, :]) @ n03 n12 = numpy.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) @ (vs[2, :] - vs[1, :]) lam12 = (xx - vs[2, :]) @ n12 phi0tilde = lam12 - lam12.subs({xx[0]: vs[3, 0], xx[1]: vs[3, 1]}) * (1 + R) / 2 phi1tilde = lam03 - lam03.subs({xx[0]: vs[2, 0], xx[1]: vs[2, 1]}) * (1 - R) / 2 phi2tilde = lam03 - lam03.subs({xx[0]: vs[1, 0], xx[1]: vs[1, 1]}) * (1 - R) / 2 phi3tilde = lam12 - lam12.subs({xx[0]: vs[0, 0], xx[1]: vs[0, 1]}) * (1 + R) / 2 phis = [] for i, phitilde in enumerate([phi0tilde, phi1tilde, phi2tilde, phi3tilde]): phi = phitilde / phitilde.subs({xx[0]: vs[i, 0], xx[1]: vs[i, 1]}) phis.append(phi) return vs, xx, numpy.asarray(phis)
[docs]def newton_dd(nds, fs): """Constructs Newton's divided differences for the input arrays, which may include symbolic values.""" n = len(nds) mat = numpy.zeros((n, n), dtype=object) mat[:, 0] = fs[:] for j in range(1, n): for i in range(n-j): mat[i, j] = (mat[i+1, j-1] - mat[i, j-1]) / (nds[i+j] - nds[i]) return mat[0, :]
[docs]def newton_poly(nds, fs, xsym): """Constructs Lagrange interpolating polynomial passing through x values nds and y values fs. Returns a a symbolic object in terms of independent variable xsym.""" coeffs = newton_dd(nds, fs) result = coeffs[-1] n = len(coeffs) for i in range(n-2, -1, -1): result = result * (xsym - nds[i]) + coeffs[i] return result
[docs]def diff(expr, xx, alpha): """Differentiate expr with respect to xx. :arg expr: symengine/symengine Expression to differentiate. :arg xx: iterable of coordinates to differentiate with respect to. :arg alpha: derivative multiindex, one entry for each entry of xx indicating how many derivatives in that direction. :returns: New symengine/symengine expression.""" if isinstance(expr, sympy.Expr): return expr.diff(*(zip(xx, alpha))) else: return symengine.diff(expr, *(chain(*(repeat(x, a) for x, a in zip(xx, alpha)))))
[docs]def dsr_sym(ct, r, *, vs=None, sp=symbolics): """Constructs higher-order (>= 2) case of Arbogast's directly defined C^0 serendipity elements, which include all polynomials of degree r plus a couple of rational functions. :param ct: The cell topology of the reference quadrilateral. :param vs: (Optional) coordinates of cell on which to construct the basis. If it is None, this function constructs symbols for the vertices. :returns: a 3-tuple containing symbols for the physical cell coordinates and the physical cell independent variables (e.g. "x" and "y") and a list of the four basis functions. """ if vs is None: # do vertices symbolically vs = numpy.asarray(list(zip(sp.symbols('x:4'), sp.symbols('y:4')))) else: vs = numpy.asarray(vs) xx = numpy.asarray(sp.symbols("x,y")) ts = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in range(4): v0id, v1id = ct[1][e][:] ts[e, :] = vs[v1id, :] - vs[v0id, :] ns = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in (0, 3): ns[e, 0] = -ts[e, 1] ns[e, 1] = ts[e, 0] for e in (1, 2): ns[e, 0] = ts[e, 1] ns[e, 1] = -ts[e, 0] # midpoints of each edge xstars = numpy.zeros((4, 2), dtype=object) for e in range(4): v0id, v1id = ct[1][e][:] xstars[e, :] = (vs[v0id, :] + vs[v1id])/2 lams = [(xx-xstars[i, :]) @ ns[i, :] for i in range(4)] # # internal functions bubble = if r < 4: internal_bfs = [] internal_nodes = [] elif r == 4: # Just one point xbar = sum(vs[i, 0] for i in range(4)) / 4 ybar = sum(vs[i, 1] for i in range(4)) / 4 internal_bfs = [bubble / bubble.subs(xysub(xx, (xbar, ybar)))] internal_nodes = [(xbar, ybar)] else: # build a triangular lattice inside the quad dx0 = (vs[1, :] - vs[0, :]) / (r-2) dx1 = (vs[2, :] - vs[0, :]) / (r-2) # Vertices of the triangle v0 = vs[0, :] + dx0 + dx1 v1 = vs[0, :] + (r-3) * dx0 + dx1 v2 = vs[0, :] + dx0 + (r-3) * dx1 # Pardon the fortran, but these are barycentric coordinates... bary = numpy.zeros((3,), dtype="object") y12 = v1[1] - v2[1] x21 = v2[0] - v1[0] x02 = v0[0] - v2[0] y02 = v0[1] - v2[1] det = y12 * x02 + x21 * y02 delx = xx[0] - v2[0] dely = xx[1] - v2[1] bary[0] = (y12 * delx + x21 * dely) / det bary[1] = (-y02 * delx + x02 * dely) / det bary[2] = 1 - bary[0] - bary[1] # And this bit directly constructs the Lagrange polynomials # of degree r-4 on the triangular lattice inside the triangle. # This trick is restricted to equispaced points, but we're on a much # lower degree than r. This bypasses symbolic inversion/etc otherwise # required to build the Lagrange polynomials. rm4 = r - 4 lags = [] internal_nodes = [] for i in range(rm4, -1, -1): for j in range(rm4-i, -1, -1): k = rm4 - i - j internal_nodes.append((v0 * i + v1 * j + v2 * k)/rm4) ii = (i, j, k) lag_cur = sp.Integer(1) for q in range(3): for p in range(ii[q]): lag_cur *= (rm4 * bary[q] - p) / (ii[q] - p) lags.append(lag_cur.simplify()) internal_bfs = [] for lag, nd in zip(lags, internal_nodes): foo = lag * bubble internal_bfs.append(foo / foo.subs(xysub(xx, nd))) RV = (lams[0] - lams[1]) / (lams[0] + lams[1]) RH = (lams[2] - lams[3]) / (lams[2] + lams[3]) # R for each edge (1 on edge, zero on opposite Rs = [(1 - RV) / 2, (1 + RV) / 2, (1 - RH) / 2, (1 + RH) / 2] nodes1d = [sp.Rational(i, r) for i in range(1, r)] s = sp.Symbol('s') # for each edge: # I need its adjacent two edges and its opposite edge # and its "tunnel R" RH or RV # This is very 2d specific. opposite_edges = {e: [eother for eother in ct[1] if set(ct[1][e]).intersection(ct[1][eother]) == set()][0] for e in ct[1]} adjacent_edges = {e: tuple(sorted([eother for eother in ct[1] if eother != e and set(ct[1][e]).intersection(ct[1][eother]) != set()])) for e in ct[1]} ae = adjacent_edges tunnel_R_edges = {e: ((lams[ae[e][0]] - lams[ae[e][1]]) / (lams[ae[e][0]] + lams[ae[e][1]])) for e in range(4)} edge_nodes = [] for ed in range(4): ((v0x, v0y), (v1x, v1y)) = vs[ct[1][ed], :] delx = v1x - v0x dely = v1y - v0y edge_nodes.append([(v0x+nd*delx, v0y+nd*dely) for nd in nodes1d]) # subtracts off the value of function at internal nodes times those # internal basis functions def nodalize(f): return f - sum(f.subs(xysub(xx, nd)) * bf for bf, nd in zip(internal_bfs, internal_nodes)) edge_bfs = [] if r == 2: for ed in range(4): lamadj0 = lams[adjacent_edges[ed][0]] lamadj1 = lams[adjacent_edges[ed][1]] ephi = lamadj0 * lamadj1 * Rs[ed] phi = nodalize(ephi) / ephi.subs(xysub(xx, xstars[ed])) edge_bfs.append([phi]) else: for ed in range(4): ((v0x, v0y), (v1x, v1y)) = vs[ct[1][ed], :] Rcur = tunnel_R_edges[ed] lam_op = lams[opposite_edges[ed]] edge_bfs_cur = [] for i in range(len(nodes1d)): # strike out i:th node idcs = [j for j in range(len(nodes1d)) if i != j] nodes1d_cur = [nodes1d[j] for j in idcs] edge_nodes_cur = [edge_nodes[ed][j] for j in idcs] # construct the 1d interpolation with remaining nodes pvals = [] for nd in edge_nodes_cur: sub = xysub(xx, nd) pval_cur = (-1 * Rcur.subs(sub)**(r-2) / lam_op.subs(sub)) pvals.append(pval_cur) ptilde = newton_poly(nodes1d_cur, pvals, s) xt = xx @ ts[ed] vt0 = numpy.asarray((v0x, v0y)) @ ts[ed] vt1 = numpy.asarray((v1x, v1y)) @ ts[ed] p = ptilde.subs({s: (xt-vt0) / (vt1-vt0)}) prebf = (lams[adjacent_edges[ed][0]] * lams[adjacent_edges[ed][1]] * (lams[opposite_edges[ed]] * p + Rcur**(r-2) * Rs[ed])) prebf = nodalize(prebf) bfcur = prebf / prebf.subs(xysub(xx, edge_nodes[ed][i])) edge_bfs_cur.append(bfcur) edge_bfs.append(edge_bfs_cur) # vertex basis functions vertex_to_adj_edges = {i: tuple([e for e in ct[1] if i in ct[1][e]]) for i in ct[0]} vertex_to_off_edges = {i: tuple([e for e in ct[1] if i not in ct[1][e]]) for i in ct[0]} vertex_bfs = [] for v in range(4): ed0, ed1 = vertex_to_off_edges[v] lam0 = lams[ed0] lam1 = lams[ed1] prebf = lam0 * lam1 # subtract off edge values for adj_ed in vertex_to_adj_edges[v]: edge_nodes_cur = edge_nodes[adj_ed] edge_bfs_cur = edge_bfs[adj_ed] for k, (nd, edbf) in enumerate(zip(edge_nodes_cur, edge_bfs_cur)): sb = xysub(xx, nd) prebf -= lam0.subs(sb) * lam1.subs(sb) * edbf bf = nodalize(prebf) / prebf.subs(xysub(xx, vs[v, :])) vertex_bfs.append(bf) bfs = vertex_bfs for edbfs in edge_bfs: bfs.extend(edbfs) bfs.extend(internal_bfs) nds = [tuple(vs[i, :]) for i in range(4)] for ends in edge_nodes: nds.extend(ends) nds.extend(internal_nodes) return vs, xx, numpy.asarray(bfs)
[docs]def ds_sym(ct, r, *, vs=None, sp=symbolics): """Symbolically Constructs Arbogast's directly defined C^0 serendipity elements, which include all polynomials of degree r plus a couple of rational functions. :param ct: The cell topology of the reference quadrilateral. :param vs: (Optional) coordinates of cell on which to construct the basis. If it is None, this function constructs symbols for the vertices. :returns: a 3-tuple containing symbols for the physical cell coordinates and the physical cell independent variables (e.g. "x" and "y") and a list of the four basis functions. """ if r == 1: return ds1_sym(ct, vs=vs, sp=sp) else: return dsr_sym(ct, r, vs=vs, sp=sp)